Monday, April 08, 2024

no trespassing

On a walk in early March, I took a photo of this poor fence post that has been so neglected.  There is a house at the end of this road, the family lost their mother quite a few years ago and the children have all grown up and along with their father have moved away.  I always feel so sad when I see this fence post for what it used to be.  A strong tall post that kept whatever livestock they raised from wandering off.  No one lives in the house that still stands at the end of this fence line.  They were private people and even now that no one lives there anymore I still respect the No Trespassing sign.


  1. It's sad to see houses abandoned. I always think about everything that happened there, lives lived, kids playing... makes me sad to see it all left and seemingly forgotten.
    It's a cool picture with the mailbox falling down in the background.

  2. Don't you wish someone had the place that loved it.

  3. Oh how you wish these abandoned homes could talk to us. I find it so sad when property is abandoned. We have a few places like that close to us too.
    I do like your photo.
