Wednesday, June 26, 2024

the milk cow


The heart of our farm.

One evening before a storm rolled in, we got the animals all settled in so that they would remain safe.  I know they are just animals and can probably weather any storm that comes, but we like to make sure they are all hunkered down and out of the elements, with the few shelters that we have they can go in to get out of the rain or even hail.  

Our milk cow gives us milk, with the milk we make cheese, yogurt, butter and enjoy the delicious cream.  With milk that gets too old but still good we feed the other animals with it.  The chickens and pigs love it, and we enjoy the eggs and meat that they provide.  When Jim milks the cow any cats around will get a treat, a bit of milk in a pan there in the milking parlor, and the cats keep the mice population down.  The manure from the cow fertilizes our pastures making them lusher, and the manure gets put on our gardens in the fall to fertilize them as well.  The gardens feed us, and the pastures feed her.

It's a circle on our farm, and it starts with our milk cow.  

She is the heart of our farm, and we love her so.


  1. I sure miss the cycle of farming...miss the no waste. Shuck corn, give the shucks to the cows. Food goes bad, give to the pigs, etc. And who could not love a cow like her?

  2. That is such a great picture! She looks sweet and gentle. Yes, cows are the heart of the farm.

  3. I love this... you are so right Judy. The circle of life on the farm.
    Thank you for sharing.
