Saturday, March 01, 2025

spring is in the air

Busy life here on our farm, new babies arrived, sap is starting to run, quilt retreats attended.  It's nice to see the subzero temps in the rearview mirror, and warmer weather in front of us.

Now the really busy work starts, gathering and cooking the sap down.  We have been tapping trees for 14 years and have changes over those years.  We don't use buckets anymore we use wine bags that we buy at an Amish maple syrup supply store.  We also don't tap as many trees and have cut down on the amount of taps we put in.  This year we tapped trees that we haven't tapped before and didn't tap trees that were not really good sap producers.

We love this time of year, going outside and taking a deep breath in smelling that fresh air and to me that is the first sign that spring is on its way.


  1. Hi Judy, so happy to have seen your comment on my blog-it looks like you’re enjoying life on the farm, I’m looking forward to catching up on older posts ! You mentioned you make your own sourdough-can you give me some tips? They’re coming out pretty and they taste good, but they’re dense and heavy – can you share any secrets?! I’m off to try another experimental loaf today 🤞. Thanks, looking forward to seeing what’s happening in Wisconsin! Keep warm!

  2. Hooray for signs of Spring! I saw some maple trees near us that were tapped and it made me happy to know things are changing. It's still cold here and our snow looks about like yours, but last week was above freezing so it's been melting.
    I love the pic of the log with the snow and the fungus!

  3. I love this last picture. Totally captures the fun you have. Someday I wanna tap! A friend of mine just started it. And we get ours from a local friend near by. Very tasty. Cheers, Ivy.

  4. Hi, we tapped too. :-) It is an exciting time. And our duck Henny laid her first egg this morning.
    Happy March,
