Wednesday, June 19, 2024

making hay before the rains come

Oh, my goodness, we definitely have been busy here, and I keep saying that, but we are. We managed to cut hay and get it baled up for a total of 180 square bales for our first cutting of the year.  We have far surpassed last year's total in the first cutting of hay.

Summer has started out so differently than last year.  Someone said that we have almost caught up to where we should be as far as moisture in the ground, this person digs holes for a living so he definitely would know how deep the moisture should be in the ground.
The gardens are doing well and so are the weeds :)  
Tomorrow is summer solstice, the longest day of the year.  Where oh where did the year go, yikes!


  1. I always enjoy photos of the hay bales.
    I just said that to Bob about the Summer Solstice. I hate to see the days getting shorter again...

  2. Happy Hay Season... sadly my parents have been so wet they cannot get in the fields. Hoping for a break in the rain this week.

  3. I would love to have been there to enjoy the smell of fresh mown hay! ( I thought I had commented on this.)
