Thursday, April 25, 2024

laundry day and food

I love hanging clothes out on the line and I love my Amish clothesline.  We live near the Amish, and this is the type of clothesline most of the Amish women use, and I just had to purchase one myself, I think the clothes actually dry a lot faster so far up in the air.

For hubby's birthday he wanted steak on the grill, so we went to the town butcher shop/deli to get a couple of nice steaks to grill.  We didn't eat all the steak, so hubby got the idea to make a sandwich he saw online.  He kind of made his own recipe from the picture.  It was more of a grilled sandwich you had to eat with a knife and fork.

How we made 

Bread...we used homemade wheat bread.  
Sliced steak...enough to put on a sandwich.
Sliced onion
Garlic clove
Ghee...about a tablespoon or you can use butter.
Mozzarella cheese...enough for a sandwich
Jalapeño don't have to put them on the sandwich if you don't like anything hot.

Sauté the onion and garlic in the Ghee.  Add the sliced meat to heat up but not over cooked since it was already cooked.  Add the slice jalapeño slices to your meat mixture.
Butter your bread and put it together like you would a grilled cheese and cook it the same way.

This was a really tasty sandwich, and we had a little bit of potato salad leftover from the steak meal and it was the perfect side dish to go with the sandwich.

I have to say last weekend was not only a nice one it was a tasty one.


  1. Tasty fun week for the win. LOVE hanging clothes outside. That's what we did where I used to live. Here though, it's a no-go on the line. Though jeans and such still get dried over the railing (for now). Happy Day to you! Cheers, Ivy.

  2. YUM!!!

    I was just talking to my husband that I wanted a clothes line again. I will have to look into getting the Amish style you purchased.
