Friday, July 12, 2013

trying to stay cool

Heading to the quilt retreat I went to last weekend, I passed this herd of cattle resting in the warm mid-day sun.  One was trying to stay cool by standing in the creek.


  1. Glad you shared the link to this blog with the Daily Yarn readers.

    Your photos are wonderful.

  2. what a wise cow. perhaps the others will have the sense to follow! Have a great weekend. Margaret

  3. All creatures need a pool in the summer!

  4. I'd like to stand knee deep in water right now too.

  5. I'll bet you had a fun time on your quilting retreat Judy- move over Mr cow I jumping in next to you ~:)

  6. I remember watching the cattle do this when I was a kid...this brings back pleasant memories.

  7. The divine bovine knows what is good!

    Being from WI myself (born in Door County, grew up in Green Bay) and now living in close proximity to Wi in St. Paul, MN, I wonder what towns you're close to...?
