Wednesday, May 08, 2024

storm brewing

A storm was brewing in as I wrote this post early last evening.  The clouds were simply amazing as I looked up to the sky.  We have been having rain and it has really made everything green up around here, so different from last spring around here.

The lilac bush is starting to bloom, we thought we had lost it a couple of years ago and had to cut it all down.

It's so nice to smell the outdoors again with the rains and everything blooming, a few reasons why I love the four seasons.


  1. That's an amazing sky! Storms do give beauty sometimes. We had tornadoes near us last night, some bad ones with lots of damage. Our skies weren't so pretty!
    I love lilacs!

  2. WOW... great photos. Our lilac have been sickly. Our neighbors lilac does not even have many flower heads on it.
    We cut ours back too, it is looking better this spring.

  3. Those sky shots are wonderful...I have always been a sky/cloud watcher.
