Thursday, May 23, 2024

life on the homestead

Everything is green here and we still need to get a few more seeds in the ground, but it has been raining here and the ground is pretty wet to till it up.

Our barn cat had a litter of kittens, they are just adorable.

Another storm came the other day and rained for two days; we got a total of 4.5 inches.

We planted spinach last fall and had been able to pick it most of the winter and early spring.  It's starting to bolt now but we are still managing to get a good amount from our picking.  My husband and I love a good spinach salad and with a homemade dressing it's delicious.


Jim plowed and area to plant corn.  The corn we have grown is for feed to feed our animals in the winter when we have to supplement their food.  Here the chickens decided to follow Jim when he was plowing the field.

Life here on the homestead has been busy and will continue to be busy all the way till the fall after all the harvesting and canning is done.


  1. I love seeing what you are doing. The kitties are adorable. Love the photo of the chickens in the plowed ground. Looked at the recipe and hope I can remember to try it.

  2. Hi, my sisters cat had kittens, three of them. :-)
    Spring is so much fun, with planting, new life and more.
    Love, Carla
