Friday, February 14, 2014

around the curve

We see a lot of milk trucks around here, and I try to stay out of their way when traveling on these hills.


  1. Oh yes, those are BIG, heavy trucks when they are loaded!

  2. Hats off to those truckers who have to go out in all kinds of weather!

  3. Looks like at curve has a tendency to drift when he wind howls.

  4. Great shot. I'd stay out of the way too. Scary!

  5. He looks like he's hauling butt down that road and I can see why you stay out of their way. We have a roadway in town that is travelled back and forth all day long by large tankers carrying gas to the truck stop... they haul too! Time is money to a truck drive I guess.

  6. I have only got eyes for the snow...looks like around here!
